Đá Granite Xanh Rêu LD ( LD Moss Green Granite )
Small Slabs, Tiles, Cut to size, steps, risers
W600-1000mm, L2000-3000mm
Polished, Flamed, Honed, Bush hammered, Natural
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Chat hoặc Gọi Hotline
(+84) 0981.685.379Địa chỉ: 52/8/26 Võ Thị Thừa, Phường An Phú Đông, Quận 12, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Email: hungphatnaturalstone@gmail.com
Đá Granite Xanh Rêu LD ( LD Moss Green Granite )
Small Slabs, Tiles, Cut to size, steps, risers
W600-1000mm, L2000-3000mm
Polished, Flamed, Honed, Bush hammered, Natural
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